Friday, June 17, 2016

Google My Map vs. ArcGIS Explorer Desktop


My experience with Google My Maps was a positive one.  Being a novice map builder I found it to be very user friendly.  I liked that the user is able to create multiple layers easily by importing data or adding points to the map.  However, while creating this map I found that on occasion I had fully created a point on the map only to realize that I had created it in the wrong layer.   When trying to move the point I was disappointed that it couldn’t be moved to a different layer but, had to be completely recreated and the original deleted.

The ability to have access to a large number of photos and YouTube videos to add to the map is a plus.  I also liked the ability to add URL links to web pages for additional information.  I would have liked to have been able to use photographs directly off the hard drive of my computer not just the ones available through Goggle Image Search, Image URL, or YouTube Search. 

Overall, I think this is a mapping tool that a person with any range of experience can easily use and I enjoyed the process of learning and creating a basic map.

The map I created through the program:


My experience using ArcGIS couldn’t be more different than my one with Google My Maps.  Being a novice map builder I found the ArcGIS program difficult to use and was unsuccessful at finding any useful tutorials to give me insight into the program.  I did try to use the help function but, I felt it assumed that the reader had previously used other versions of the program or other related programs.

After being provided some help from my professor I was able to play around with the program and get a better feel for it.  I can see the unique benefit of the 2D/3D function that this program provides that Google My Maps does not.  If the initial goal of the user is to create maps based on already collected data this program would be sufficient.  However, the program is not user friendly and if trying to engage the general population by creating an interactive citizen science program promoting biodiversity stewardship through the use of maps I think the use of this program would fail.

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